Thursday, May 19, 2011

Project Life - Week 1

Ok, so I've been doing the Project Life just haven't had time to post on the blog too. But, that's going to change because Carrie had told me it's easier for her to post the pics and then go back when she gets the prints and use what she wrote on the blog for her journaling. Sounds like a time saver to me!

I'll start with Mother's Day....These are my beautiful gifts the girls made at daycare for me....

The card in the plant says "You take care of me, like a tender young plant. You give me good roots, You feed me. You give me water each day. you let me out into the sunshine. When I go places, you make sure it's the right environment for me to grow. you weed out the bad things. Someday I will grow storng and blossom into an adult. Thank you for nurturing me. love Danielle." Ella's is the one with the handprint (sweetness!) and says "Somtimes you get discouraged because I am so small and always leave my fingerprints on furniture and walls. But every day I'm growing up and soon I'll be so tall that all those little handprints will be hard to recall. So here's a special handprint just so you can say, This is how my fingers looked when I placed them here today". Enough to make a mama cry!

We had beautiful weather all week, even a couple days close to 90! So, lots of outdoor pics this week :)

We live on 120 acres and a farmer leases most of it for his cattle. These are some of the "baby moos" that are out in the field. We love going for drives in Grant's Jeep to see how many babies we can find.

The girls love playing with Cousin Rayce, and especially love any excuse to play on the trampoline. I love this picture because you can see Ella Ann laughing like crazy!

Ella Ann's FAVORITE place to be. I've started calling her Dirt Girl. For those of you that watch Sprout, you know exactly what I'm talking about :)

This huge log is a very small piece of a beautiful, very old oak tree we had to cut down in our back yard :(. It was struck by lightening a few years ago, and half of it was dying. We finally broke down and had someone come cut it down, but haven't figured out how or what we're going to do with what is left of it.

The weather turned cooler Friday evening, so we stayed in and made cupcakes......

Dani showed Ella Ann how to get more batter on the beaters after you lick them clean....Just stick them back in the bowl :)

Saturday we went to Old Timer's Day in Van Buren, and Dani couldn't wait to ride the ponies. Ella Ann wanted nothing whatsoever to do with them.
And of course you cannot go to Old Timer's Day without having a foot long corndog!

And this is what happens at the end of a very long, very fun day.....You just have to take a nap!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mrs. Hazel Willis left this earthly world Wednesday, October 20, 2010. Two weeks shy of her 105th birthday celebration. The Good News is that she is with her Heavenly Father and Family now!!!! I know that Mrs. Willis is looking down on us right now with a great big smile on her face. She was a blessing to us while she was here and now we will live out her earthly legacy until our time comes to join her. We love you Grandmama!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Catchin' Up....

Ok, so instead of trying to catch up in a lot of little blogs I'm going to do one big one. So here we go....
What's happened in the last 7 1/2 months.....
Danielle turned 2 on January 22nd. We had a Dancing Diva birthday party.
Lots of Pink Frosting!

Grant and I finally gave in to God's call and started a life group. We are called "Family Matters" and have been getting together every other Friday night for fellowship and just started a Sunday morning class.

Grant's birthday was April 7 and he turned the big 35 this year!

The biggest news this year was Brigee GRADUATED! Yay! She starts at Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa, Ia in August. She will be studying to be a Radiology Tech.  

Ella Ann had her 1st birthday June 30, so of course we had a "Princess Party"!

Mama got a promotion and started a new position at work as Financial Coordinator for Radiation Oncology.

We went on a week long vacation in July. It was supposed to be in Dauphin Island, AL, but due to the oil spill, we went to Osage Beach, MO. We didn't actually see a beach there, but had tons of fun on the lake!

While at the Lake of the Ozarks, we celebrated our 6th Anniversiary, my 37th birthday,

and Brigee's 18th Birthday!!!!

and you'll never guess how Brigee and Katelin celbrated....

Yep, that's them "up in air" as Dani likes to tell us :)

So, that takes us up to the end of July. Of course, that's only the big highlights.

Since August has started...
I have been in EPIC training. Our hospital is converting to an Electronic Medical Record and that means lots and lots and lots of classes!  It will be awesome when it "Goes Live"!

Danielle and Ella have both moved up into different classes at daycare. (Ella moved 6 mths early. The child cannot be still for more than 2 seconds! )

Brigette is very excited about starting college in a couple weeks. She is so ready to be on her own. I think she has a bit of my independent streak :). We will get to go see her new dorm next month.

Grant and I will be teaching Timothy Team again this year on Wednesday nights. And then on Sunday mornings Grant will be teaching the same lesson in our Life Group/Sunday School.
We are studying Genesis and he has been reading the whole book!  God is getting ready to do mighty things through him, I can just feel it!

Our Life Group started hosting an evening Food Pantry at our church. We will be there the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month and are very excited about getting to serve our community together!

So, I do beleive I have caught up on this blog. I promise the following posts will most definitely not be this long!  Hope you continue to follow us as we try to live the "Simply" wonderful life God has planned for us!

New schedule

Mama went back to work full time. The early morning schedule (4-8am) was too much. We have been blessed to find open spots at Elite Kids Academy, so I'm going back to full time. It's been an amazing experience these past few months. I was able to stay home with my girls during the day, but also find out what a wonderful employer I have.

Not so good at resolutions.....

OMGoodness! It's been 6 months since I posted? Ok, so I totally failed at my New Year's resolution! Honestly, I wasn't being realistic when I made it, so now there's no promises, just "If I can scrape out the time during my day I will post".
There's been so much that has happened I don't even know where to begin catching up...Oh well, I'll try :)!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Ok, my new year's resolution is to write on this blog each and every day, no matter what happens! I hope that my followers will keep me to that and I am giving myself until January 1 to preprare myself! :) See ya in the new year!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A house divided

by college football that is! I am a diehard Oklahoma Sooner fan and of course my husband is a diehard Arkansas Razorback fan. We decided when I was pregnant that we would not buy the "baby" anything for either side until "they" were old enough to decide which one "they" liked. Well, Aunt Carrie got Dani an Arkansas cheer outfit for her 1st birthday, so when I found an OU cheer outfit I had to buy it! I told Grant I was just making it even :). So you can see that she is representing both teams in these pics, but you will notice that OU is first!