Wouldn't you know that on the last weekend of my "vacation" I would find something that I want to stay home another 8 weeks and have fun doing? Since starting this blog, I've been checking out all the other blogs and found the crafting ones. BIG mistake!!! I think I was born a crafter. I've always had ideas running through my head of things to make. My friends and family have always called me "Martha" (I acutally DVR her show!). I love going to arts and crafts shows, but I rarely buy anything. I go to get ideas and have so much more fun trying to figure out how to make them myself. And now I've found the virtual Motherload of crafting ideas and I have to go back to work, when will I have time to try them out?
I went to Walmart on Friday (the one in Alma) to see what kind of stuff they had in the craft dept. I found the "Bowdabra" and the mini "Bowdabra". I bought some pretty ribbon and decided to make some bows. Now, those of you that have little girls know that "Boutique" Bows can get very expensive! I bought the "Bowdabra's" for about the cost of 2 fancy bows, $20. The ribbon I used for the bow above cost maybe $1 and I have a ton left!
The burp rag I saw online and knew I could figure out how to make it. This was the first one, and it turned out OK, but I know how I can make the next one better. I could make these things all day long and never get bored.
The girls already have so many bows they probably will only wear some of them once, but I guess bows are a bit like shoes and purses....a girl can never have too many of either one! Too bad I couldn't make money and have great health insurance with making bows....(might have to do a little research on that one :)
Hey! I just realized that they match my blog!!!