Saturday, October 17, 2009

Shocking news

The first week I was back to work went by very, very quickly! On Monday August 31 the daycare sent a letter home with the girls. It was a surprise to say the least! The letter said that Bethel Lutheran Church would be holding a vote on Sept 27 to determine the fate of the daycare center. This was shocking to us especially since I am a parent member on the board and did not know that it had escalated to this. Needless to say it put us in a tailspin and on the phone all week trying to find another child care center. For some reason I will never understand, Fort Smith/Van Buren does not have adequate child care centers for babies. There are plenty for preschool age children, but not babies.
This is not a new situation for us. When I went back to work after Dani was born, she went to the St. Edward Child Care Center. It was great, but she was only there for 2 months. Before she even started, they called to tell us that they would be closing at the end of May 2008. Since it was the beginning of March when they called, we thought no problem, we'll just find another place. WRONG! It was just by the grace of God that we were able to get into Bethel the Monday after St. Ed's closed, and we didn't get that call until the Friday before she started!
So, anyway, Dani started at Bethel in June 2008 and we have loved it! Ella has only been there a week and now we're looking for something else.

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